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Calls for sustainable news business model mount after CNN Philippines closure

“As an educational institution that produces media practitioners, we stand with our alumni and with the media industry in calling for a more sustainable and ethical business model for local media instead of the for-profit model that continues to dominate the media industry.".....»»

Category: newsSource:  philstarRelated NewsFeb 1st, 2024

Restarting Business Operations After a Break

Taking a break from business operations can be a double-edged sword. While a hiatus, due to the recently concluded Holy Week, for example, may provide much-needed time for rejuvenation; the prospect of reigniting the flame and resuming operations can be daunting. However, with the right mindset and strategic approach, this transition can serve as the […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsApr 1st, 2024

How to Handle Irate Customers in Your Business

Dealing with irate customers is an inevitable part of running any kind of business. While it can be a challenging and stressful experience when it happens, mastering the art of handling upset customers can turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one. So, how can entrepreneurs effectively manage and diffuse the tension when faced […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsFeb 27th, 2024

La Union farmers shift to drought-resistant crops

Farmers in La Union have shifted to drought-resistant crops to cushion the effects of the El Niño phenomenon in the agriculture sector......»»

Category: newsSource:  philstarRelated NewsApr 15th, 2024

Big start nets Del Monte 5-point cushion in PAL Interclub golf tilt

Del Monte positioned itself for a potential rare sweep of the PAL Interclub golf team titles by amassing 109 points at the Pueblo de Oro Golf and Country Club Friday, gaining a five-point lead over Eastridge in the first round of the Men’s Regular tournament in Cagayan de Oro City......»»

Category: newsSource:  philstarRelated NewsMar 1st, 2024

DA starts cloud seeding amid El Niño

Cloud seeding operations have been conducted over Cagayan Valley to cushion the effects of the strong El Niño, according to the Department of Agriculture......»»

Category: newsSource:  philstarRelated NewsFeb 28th, 2024

Opening win not a cushion

Game One of the PBA Commissioner’s Cup Finals is over and San Miguel Beer is a win up over Magnolia in the race-to-four series......»»

Category: sportsSource:  philstarRelated NewsFeb 3rd, 2024

Biz Bureau surpasses 43-K permit renewals

The Davao City Business Bureau has achieved a significant milestone by processing over 43,000 business permit renewals as of January 29, 2024, surpassing last year's numbers. Maribel Paguican, the Head of the Business Bureau, revealed this accomplishment in a radio interview on January 30, 2024. She highlighted the bureau's performance, stating that they had already exceeded the previous year's figures by 270 renewals. Despite the positive outcome, Paguican acknowledged that they are still short of reaching the 46,000 permits issued the previous year. With approximately 2,890 renewals remaining, including 291 applicants considering retirement, the bureau anticipates around 2,599 renewal applicants. Paguican emphasized the upcoming retirement deadline on January 31, urging business owners to comply to avoid penalties ranging from P1,000 to P5,000. She also advised on the required documentation for retirement, emphasizing the importance of submitting the necessary paperwork to facilitate the process......»»

Category: newsSource:  sunstarRelated NewsJan 30th, 2024

Al-ag proposes to repeal ordinance requiring delivery riders biz permits

Davao City Councilor Bernie Al-ag has proposed the repeal of an ordinance that requires delivery riders to obtain business permits. The ordinance in question, City Ordinance 0612-21 series of 2021, classified delivery riders as independent service contractors, mandating them to apply for business permits. However, a joint memorandum circular issued by various government agencies exempts individuals providing personal services, including delivery riders, from securing business permits. Al-ag emphasized that the city government must adhere to the guidelines set forth in the memorandum. While the proposed repeal is pending, Al-ag advised delivery riders to comply with the existing ordinance. He expressed confidence in the passage of the repeal, citing the solid basis provided by the joint memorandum. Despite a group of delivery riders seeking an audience with Davao City Mayor Sebastian Duterte on the matter, Al-ag's proposal was drafted in response to a separate petition. He clarified that the repeal is not about monetary collection but aligning with national law, which exempts delivery riders from obtaining business permits. Al-ag remains optimistic about the repeal's approval, pointing to the support provided by the joint memorandum as a strong foundation for his proposal......»»

Category: newsSource:  sunstarRelated NewsJan 24th, 2024

Studying Your Business Rivals to Stay on Top

Who ever said you can’t be a small business owner and a spy at the same time? As you ramp up your business operations to have a larger piece of the pie or your share in the industry you’re in, you must have a keen understanding of your competitors, dissecting their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsMar 20th, 2024

Local Sourcing: A Sustainable Approach for Small Business Owners

While we are now in a world where global supply chains rule any given industry, some are starting to explore the concept of sourcing locally, which has gained traction among small business owners. But what exactly does it mean to source locally, and how can this approach benefit your business in the long run? Supporting […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsFeb 21st, 2024

How AI Could Help Small Business Owners: Automation and Marketing Magic

Running a small business is a juggling act. From managing finances to marketing your brand, the sheer number of tasks can be overwhelming, especially if you’re just starting and still in the process of feeling it out. Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool that can streamline operations and empower small business […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsMay 27th, 2024

Why Choosing the Right Tools and Equipment Helps Boost Productivity

Improvising and being resourceful is a good trait for an entrepreneur but being too much of it can also harm the productivity and safety of the business. Using proper tools and equipment can help lessen the workload and make business operations much smoother. Here are three reasons why using the right tools and equipment is […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsMar 9th, 2024

Soriano: Entitled family members can undermine business success (Part 2)

Soriano: Entitled family members can undermine business success (Part 2).....»»

Category: newsSource:  inquirerRelated NewsFeb 26th, 2024

Compassion in Business

Strategies and tactics often take center stage in a business, there’s a subtle yet powerful element that holds the potential to transform such ventures—compassion. As small businesses strive for success, incorporating compassion in your company’s core values can pave the way for sustainable growth and enduring success. Here are some ways on how compassion can […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsFeb 1st, 2024

Less is More: Simplifying Your Business for Maximum Impact

In the world of business, simplicity is the key to success – like finding a hidden treasure trove. When you strip away the unnecessary from your processes, everything runs smoothly, like a well-oiled machine. Ever struggled with overly complicated instructions? It’s like trying to navigate a maze without a map. But when you simplify things, […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsMar 29th, 2024

Selecting the Best Location for Your Business Venture

Choosing the right location for your business will have a significant impact on its success. Whether you’re starting a new venture or expanding an existing one, careful consideration of the location is essential as it could make or break your dream. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of selecting the ideal location for your […].....»»

Category: newsSource:  metrocebuRelated NewsFeb 21st, 2024

Consumers express mixed reactions on slight power rate increase

Consumers of Davao Light and Power Co., Inc. have expressed mixed reactions to a slight increase in the overall power rate starting January 2024. The increase is attributed to higher market prices affecting the generation rate. Noriza Mabanding, a virtual assistant, noted the impact on her energy usage and the need to schedule appliance usage to save energy. Jenalyn Manguiob, a small business owner, expressed dissatisfaction with the increase's effect on her business but acknowledged the global market's influence and the importance of conserving energy. The increase amounts to P0.0774 per kWh, resulting in a minor increase in electricity bills for residential customers......»»

Category: newsSource:  sunstarRelated NewsJan 26th, 2024

80-seat Bangsamoro parliament favors charter change

The 80-member Bangsamoro parliament on Wednesday passed a five-page resolution favoring charter change, asserting it can hasten efforts of putting a durable diplomatic closure to the nagging Moro issue hounding Mindanao since the early 1970s......»»

Category: newsSource:  philstarRelated NewsFeb 22nd, 2024

Inseparable twins

Politics can impact business in a number of ways, and significantly at that......»»

Category: financeSource:  philstarRelated NewsMar 1st, 2024